Streamline your last-mile delivery processes with Arrivy’s Proof of Delivery Digital Form
Are you always worried if your deliveries were successful? Arrivy’s Proof of Delivery Digital Form helps you keep a record of the items and process your payments in a breeze
Easy Record Keeping
You can keep a record of the items delivered and the items' rate; moreover, you can modify the quantity delivered and calculate the payable amount right there and then.
Collecting Customer Signatures Has Never Been Easier
Get signatures on the Proof of Delivery form by your customers conveniently not only on your device but can also allow customers to add signatures on their own device.
Paperless- Powerful Operations
Reduce paperwork, boost the security of your paperwork, allow easy sharing of information and manage your operations efficiently.
Automated form notifications for your team
Want to keep different departments in the loop? Send automated notifications to anyone in your team via email or sms when a form is completed by your crew or your customers.
Auto-Fill Form Fields
Collect and store data electronically instead of on paper. Forget having to deal with mounds of paper when you can do it all on Arrivy's dynamic digital forms.
Keep your team in the loop
Want to make sure your crew is informed about critical job information and job assignments? We ensure to keep your crew updated and your customers via email or sms about real-time updates and when a form is completed.
Of course, you can leverage the Arrivy Google Drive integration to send completed forms to any folder on your Drive.
Yes, you can! You can also perform some calculations to calculate the total charges based on the hours.
Yes, of course, you can capture as many signatures as you want. Book a demo today by reaching out to us at and seeing our capabilities in action.
Yes, this can be done. You can choose to send the form PDF automatically when the form is complete. Arrivy also makes a shareable link of the form that you can conveniently send to anyone you want.